Meet Our Children

Agape's family struggled to care for her on their meager salary of less than $1 a day. She is a leader and dotes on the younger children. In school, she is shy about participating but always has the right answer. She has a terrific sense of humor and a delightful giggle. She loves to listen to stories and sing.

Faith is five years old and one of the newest children at Enyorata. She loves to learn and has outstanding printing. She is looking forward to the day when she can start primary school and wear a uniform. She loves to draw and do art activities. Her closest friend is Joan, who joined Enyorata at the same time.

When Joan came to Enyorata, she immediately bonded with Faith. She has a beaming smile and a twinkle in her eyes. She is always cooperative and kind. Joan likes to use Montessori materials and quickly learned her letters and numbers. She loves to sit with the adults and is very affectionate.

Linah is Godfrey's younger sister. She has a calm, gentle way about her. She enjoys holding hands and is a friend to everyone. Schoolwork is becoming easier for her, and she was thrilled when she started primary school. She is enthralled with playing jacks and Go Fish.

Nancy comes from a single mother in the Masaai community. It took her a couple of months to feel comfortable at Enyorata, but now she is as happy and playful as the other children. Nancy is a slow eater and a fast runner. She enjoys jumping rope and learning from Saumu. She speaks softly but loves to sing.

Joshua is a comedian who loves to be silly and a little mischievous. He keeps everyone laughing with his antics. Quick to smile and giggle, Joshua appreciates his large family at Enyorata. He does well academically and even better in outdoor games.

Miriam is a bit shy and reserved although very quick with a smile. She is persistent with her schoolwork and mastering outdoor skills. She and Maria make a powerful duo but are happy playing with the other boys and girls.

Ivone is very outgoing and loves attention. She enjoys reading and listening to stories. She is happiest when singing and is always eager to do chores. She is kind to her brothers and sisters and affectionate with the adults at Enyorata.

At the age of 3, Simon was tending cattle for his parents. Vincent approached his family about Simon joining the Enyorata family. Simon came to the orphanage speaking very little Swahili and no English and is doing well in both languages now. He is a very happy, outgoing boy who loves to play and work with the Montessori materials.

Hans was being raised by his grandparents who could not afford to keep him. We are very happy to have him in the Enyorata family. Hans loves to run and play outdoors. He is an easy-going boy and is kind to everyone.

Bernard is the second oldest boy at Enyorata.. His mother placed him at Enyorata because his stepfather demanded that Bernard not be fed or cared for. His mom comes to visit on visitation days. Bernard is a very bright, friendly, energetic boy whose smile lights up a room.

Maria comes from a family who could not meet the needs of a child. Maria might be one of the smaller children but she is mighty. Always in the middle of all the outdoor games, running, throwing balls and jumping rope. Maria wants to win! She is always proud to display her academic success.

Godfrey is 7 years old and the oldest of the children at Enyorata. He and his sister, Linah, came to Enyorata because their single mother was not able to feed them. He was very timid and shy at first but his personality is beginning to shine. He takes his learning time very seriously and is quick to raise his hand. He is a whiz at jacks and football.

When Ivan's mom was pregnant, her husband left, and as her life became more difficult, she started neglecting Ivan and left him with his grandmother. Not able to support him properly, she brought him to Enyorata. He is the happiest young boy! Ivan is a very smart boy who loves Montessori learning, and sings his heart out.

Chrispin's father left upon hearing of the mother's pregnancy. Being overwhelmed, his mother took her own life. Chrispin was found abandoned, but fortunately, a man saw him by the side of his house and took him in temporarily. Chrispin is thriving and full of life. A little bashful at first, but quick to open up, he loves to play games outdoors. Academically, Chrispin is an enthusiastic learner.
Glory warms the heart of everyone at Enyorata. She is tiny but jumps into every activity with enthusiasm and joy. Her vivacious personality draws everyone to her. She is a fast learner and started reading when she was four.

Aron enjoys taking part in all activities and has a quiet manner about him. He is always smiling and quick with laughter.

Greygori is a feisty bundle of joy! Eager to learn but still "learning" to rein in his energy during class time.

Stella loves to smile and sing. One of the youngest children, she loves to be held when she isn't on the go.

Yasinta is the youngest of all the children. She can be very quiet at times and then bursting with energy the next. Yasinta is a snuggle bug.